Thursday, May 31, 2012

Update 10: 30 Things To Do Before The Big 3-0

Photo courtesy of Inner Affluence
So I might have a new addiction... to salsa.

Dancing, not the food.

I completed my first official dance class last week — Beginner 1 Salsa — and OMG was it ever fun!! I feel like I've learned so much in only 8 classes. I'm not perfect by any means, and I don't think I could hold my own quite yet in a salsa club, but hot damn it's fun! After getting my arms AND legs to move differently but at the same time (for a while there my legs would stop if my arms were moving) it's feels good to know I learned something new. We learned 4 different turns, partnering basics, cross body leads, and some other weirdly named moves like Flares, The Hairbrush, and Bow and Arrow. In the final class I managed to keep up with a more advanced leader in and out of hold, with turns and cross body leads and all kinds of stuff!! By the end of the night I was too dizzy and tired to do it again, but I did it once and that's all that matters. Lol!

The music is FAB! When you hear it you can't help but move your body, whether you know the right moves or not. Check out Mi Mulata by Frankie Negron and tell me you don't wanna shake your booty a bit ;)

And it was fun. Did I say fun already? :)

I have to thank my gal Carina for making a few calls for me, and my gal Diane for going with me. And, of course, Steps Dance Studio for such a wonderful experience — this shy gal is a little less so and has a bit more confidence in herself :) I'm looking forward to taking Beginner 2 in the near future! It was something to look forward to on Thursday nights that didn't revolve around MerDer or McSteamy.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring is in the Air ... No Wait, That's Cigarettes I Smell

Photo courtesy of SukiScoop

I used to live with smokers – my parents smoked ‘til the day I moved out at 25, then thankfully quit a few years later – so I guess you could say I’m used to the smell. If I can smell it, you know it’s bad.

For a few weeks now, whenever I come home from work I end up walking thru the stench of cigarette smoke. And I’m not just talking about someone having a few. It seems to be the last 4 units on the main floor at the east end of the building, and the smell is so bad there must be 30 people chain smoking between the units. It seriously smells like an old dirty nightclub. And now it’s making its way into my own apartment … 2 storeys up.

I can deal with the occasional cigarette no problem. Normally I don’t even notice it. But I should not be able to smell your bad habit IN THE HALLWAY outside of your apartment, yet alone deal with it in my own space. I’m pretty sure these ignorant assholes are the reason why I wake up with a sore throat and stuffy nose every day for the last few weeks – I don’t know what else it could be since the issue seems to magically disappear when I get to work in the morning.

My building is supposed to be smoke free, but I guess SOME people don’t give a shit about rules or respect other people. C’mon … it’s not even your property! If you want to break the rules, for Pete’s sake at least crack a window!! Better still: since you live on the main floor near the stairwell to go outside, just take it outside damnit!!

If you want me to respect you and your habit, how about you start respecting me and my health!

I’ve informed the landlord and the super, both of whom seem to be aware of the situation. Here’s hoping they’re trying to do something about it, and not just ignoring the fact. It’s incredibly disgusting.

Grr …

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Update 09: 30 Things To Do Before The Big 3-0

Photo courtesy of Vocal Training Secrets
So I checked out my first opera the other night.  Verdict: not too shabby at all!  It was called "La Calisto." A sex comedy based on an Ovid myth, the plot focuses on the complications and confusion that arises as the chief of the Gods, Giove, lusts for the virginal and naive Calisto.

What does that mean? .... here's the Coles Notes breakdown.
Boy meet girl.
Boy wants to sleep with girl.
Girl want to die a virgin, so resists advances by boy.
Boy decides to go undercover as his sister and try his luck as a woman.

... yes, apparently opera has lesbianism in it.

Girl finds out about boy ... they fall in love anyway.
Boy's wife finds out what he's doing.
Wife banishes girl to mortality to live her remaining days as a bear.

And spread some funny bits in between when other players confuse the male and female version of Boy.
(for a more accurate description, there's a decent one available on the BBC website.)

It was funny and moving at the same time, and the performances were fantastic. It was performed by students at the Glenn Gould School, part of the Royal Conservatory of Music. I'll have to check out another performance!!

Wanna see my 30-Things list? Check it out here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update 08: 30 Things To Do Before The Big 3-0

Photo courtesy of
Red Cross CPR Certification
I’m certified!!

Not crazy, but in CPR!

I completed my Level C CPR/First Aid certification this past Friday.  This feels like a huge accomplishment for me. Ever since my dad started experiencing heart problems years ago I felt this was a necessary thing to have. Better late than never, right?  :)

So the next time you're dying, give me a call  :)

Wanna see my 30-Things list? Check it out here.